You’re never too old to live the best version of yourself.

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Natura Chronos questions standards imposed on women in its #velhapraisso (#2old4this) campaign.

The brand's compelling digital communication confronts age-related prejudice, emphasizing women's individual choices.

By The TrendHunter USA: As a pioneer in questioning beauty standards and behavior, Chronos – the skincare line of Brazilian cosmetics company Natura – deconstructs prejudice in its new digital campaign #velhapraisso (#2old4this), launched this October. The campaign was created by Salve, the digital marketing agency of ABC, part of Omnicom Group.

Based on 6 inspiring real stories (as seen on the video above), Chronos invites all women to share their experiences and to participate in a movement that values identity and freedom of choice, regardless of age. The brand trail blazed this question more than twenty years ago with the launch of the “Mulher Bonita de Verdade” (Truly Beautiful Woman) campaign, with real women of different ages.

Client: Natura
Agency: Salve
Product: Natura Chronos
Campaign: #velhapraisso ( #2old4this )

My role: concept, creative idea, film script, head of copy, ACD, creative director
Credit to: Laís, Ricardo, James (creatives), Taiana (production), Jana, Mari, Min (accounts), Mazi, Arantes (strategy), Debs (content), Rafa (media)

Video Production Company: Corazon Filmes
Directors: Bel&Ju
Cinematography: Will Etchebehere
Sound Production Company: Lucha Libre
Producer: Paulinho Corcione e Equipe Lucha
Accounts: Dani Celer e Thais Urenha
Approved by (Natura): Elisa Calvo, Karen Silva, Cassiano Coimbra, Fernanda Martins Rol, Renato Winnig

Case Study // Cannes


#2old4this was created aiming to be a 360º campaign, with multiple touchpoints. But initially - for budgetary reasons - TV wasn’t one of them.

However, due to the resounding response from the target audience and the reception from the whole society, we had the chance to launch a version of it in national broadcasting, cable, and prime-time TV, expanding the - already substantial - reach and results.



Natura Chronos’ SPFW (São Paulo Fashion Week) activation.