Turning your favorite memories into AI-enhanced collaborative Art.

NFTint is a state-of-the-art tech platform that uses encrypted security, Crypto, NFTs, AI and Geolocation to allow people around the world innovatively collaborate and co-create with the most promising local Artists out there.

By uploading your photo (shot at a city you were visiting, let’s say… NYC?) to the platform, AI is used to create a new version of this picture, reinterpreted in the pre-selected Artist’s style.

“How would a local Artist in New York City see the Brooklyn Bridge’s photo I took myself… but in his very own style?”

The resulting Art pieces are converted into an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) which are now co-owned by both the original photographer and the local Artist. This NFT is then offered for sale online, and the value in cryptocurrency raised with it is split between the owners.

We are currently gathering independent artists in some of the most visited cities around the globe, interested in collaborating and also willing to change the way their Art is appreciated, monetized and commercialized, and building the state-of-the-art, 100% secure NFTint Platform. We’re also getting in touch with several brands and companies, interested in different opportunities to be part of the initiative.

After all… by using technology as a means - and never as an end itself - anyone has the opportunity to see their proprietary content transformed into Art, as well as the unique chance to collaborate with the finest upcoming talents from cities that are definitely going to be forever engraved on their lives.

Status: Currently in (independent) production
My role: concept, creative and artistic director, executive producer
Credits: S.Peres, a talented artist with amazing pieces exhibited in major cities such as New York City, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires and Chicago.